Bangsaspķtali Reykjavķkur
Mįnudagur, 11. september 2023
Heilsugęslunni Höfša
Heilsugęslunni Efra Breišholti
Óžarfi aš panta tķma, bara męta meš góša skapiš
- Heilsugęslan Efstaleiti
- Heilsugęslan Höfša
- Heilsugęslan Sólvangi
- Heilsugęslan Efra Breišholti
All children, along with parents/guardians are invited to bring their sick or injured teddy bears.
The purpose of the project is both to prevent fear of doctors and healthcare workers, and also, to give medical students an opportunity to practice interacting with children.
The children should bring their own teddy bear and it is advisable for parents or guardians to discuss with the children what type of disease or injury the bear suffers from in advance (e.g. whether it has a sore throat or broken leg etc.). At the clinic, the child first checks the teddy bear in, and then it will be called in to the doctors office where the teddy bear gets examined and treated.
We hope to see you all!
Standing Committee on Public Health
Flokkur: Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt 19.9.2023 kl. 20:44 | Facebook
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.